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icon-eye indesign mediaBy InDesign Media | icon-eye indesign mediaSep 8, 2019 | icon-eye indesign media3479 Views
icon-eye indesign mediaSep 8, 2019
icon-eye indesign mediaBy InDesign Media

The most popular 81 websites in 2019

This is a list of the most popular 81 websites worldwide according to the first 81 websites listed in the global “Top Sites” lists published by Alexa Internet, as of August 23, 2019, and SimilarWeb, as of July 2019, along with its rating on the corresponding service.

Additionally, of these top websites listed, nearly a third are owned by Google and ignoring the international Google websites, about a third are principally based outside of the United States.

The list goes like this:

Site Domain Type Country
Google google.com Internet services and products United States U.S.
YouTube youtube.com Video sharing United States U.S.
Tmall tmall.com Online shopping China China
Baidu baidu.com Search engine China China
Tencent QQ qq.com Portal China China
Sohu sohu.com Portal China China
Facebook facebook.com Social networking United States U.S.
Taobao taobao.com Online shopping China China
Tmall login.tmall.com Online shopping China China
Wikipedia wikipedia.org Encyclopedia United States U.S.
Yahoo! yahoo.com Portal and media United States U.S.
Haosou 360.cn Internet security and search engine China China
Amazon amazon.com E-commerce and cloud computing United States U.S.
Jingdong Mall jd.com E-commerce China China
Sina Weibo weibo.com Social networking China China
Sina Corp sina.com.cn Portal and instant messaging China China
Windows Live live.com Software plus services United States U.S.
Tmall pages.tmall.com Online shopping China China
Reddit reddit.com Social news and entertainment United States U.S.
VK vk.com Social networking Russia Russia
Netflix netflix.com Streaming TV and movies United States U.S.
Blogspot blogspot.com Blogging United States U.S.
Alipay alipay.com Payment system China China
CSDN csdn.net Technology news and Internet forum China China
Bing bing.com Search engine United States U.S.
Yahoo! Japan yahoo.co.jp Portal Japan Japan
Okezone Okezone.com Portal Indonesia Indonesia
Instagram instagram.com Photo sharing and social media United States U.S.
Google Hong Kong google.com.hk Internet services and products Hong Kong Hong Kong
Microsoft Office office.com Online office suite United States U.S.
Xinhua News Agency xinhuanet.com News China China
LinkedIn linkedin.com Employment-oriented social networking United States U.S.
Microsoft microsoft.com Software and technology United States U.S.
Twitter twitter.com Social networking United States U.S.
eBay ebay.com Online auctions and shopping United States U.S.
Twitch twitch.tv Streaming primarily on video games United States U.S.
Mail.ru mail.ru Portal Russia Russia
Naver Naver.com Portal South Korea Korea
Stack Overflow stackoverflow.com Question and answer site United States U.S.
AliExpress aliexpress.com Online shopping China China
Google India google.co.in Internet services and products India India
Yandex yandex.ru Internet services and products Russia Russia
Tribun News tribunnews.com News Indonesia Indonesia
Amazon Japan amazon.co.jp E-commerce Japan Japan
Soso soso.com Search engine China China
MSN msn.com Portal United States U.S.
Tianya Club tianya.cn Forum China China
IMDb imdb.com FilmTV show, and video game database United States U.S.
Bilibili bilibili.com Video sharing China China
WhatsApp whatsapp.com Instant messaging United States U.S.
Apple Inc. apple.com Hardware, software, technology United States U.S.
Babytree babytree.com Parenting China China
GitHub github.com Source code hosting service United States U.S.
Fandom fandom.com Entertainment site United States U.S.
Google Japan google.co.jp Internet services and products Japan Japan
Booking booking.com Travel metasearch engine Kingdom of the Netherlands Netherlands
Odnoklassniki ok.ru Social networking Russia Russia
PayPal paypal.com Financial services United States U.S.
t.co t.co URL shortening for links on Twitter United States U.S.
Google Brazil google.com.br Internet services and products Brazil Brazil
Google Germany google.de Internet services and products Germany Germany
Google Russia google.ru Internet services and products Russia Russia
BBC bbc.com Mass mediaBroadcasting United Kingdom UK
Google France google.fr Internet services and products France France
Pinterest pinterest.com Social media United States U.S.
Google Italy google.it Internet services and products Italy Italy
Google Spain google.es Internet services and products Spain Spain
Sogou sogou.com Search engine China China
ESPN espn.com Television sports channel United States U.S.
New York Times nytimes.com Daily newspaper United States U.S.
Walmart walmart.com Online shopping United States U.S.
Google UK google.co.uk Internet services and products United Kingdom UK
Quora quora.com Question and answer site United States U.S.
W3Schools w3schools.com Educational, web technologies Norway Norway
Google Turkey google.com.tr Internet services and products Turkey Turkey
Samsung samsung.com Technology products South Korea Korea
AccuWeather accuweather.com Weather forecasting United States U.S.
Bitly bitly.com URL shortening for hyperlinks United States U.S.
NASA nasa.gov Aeronautics and aerospace United States U.S.
AMP Project ampproject.org Open source library for creating web pages United States U.S.
Shenma sm.cn Search engine China China
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